
Shankai received his Ph.D. degree in Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong (4th in QS World University Ranking aged under 50 and 5th in Times University Ranking aged under 50) under the supervision of Dr. WONG Ka-Chun. After that, he was awarded the fellowship of NIH and worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Zhiyong Lu’s BioNLP Lab at NCBI/NLM/NIH. He is now an associate professor in School of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University. He has published papers with interesting topics on top conference and journals (e.g. ACL(BioNLP), AMIA, Bioinformatics, FGCS, JBI and JBHI), demonstrating his solid research skills. His research is mainly about applied machine learning in biomedical and clinical fields. His goal is to facilitate knowledge discovery and decision making in healthcare research communities using AI technology.

Shankai has served as the guest editor for the special issue Generative AI in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics for Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. He has also served as the co-chair at ISMSI 2024, ISCMI 2024 and the session chair at IEEE UIC 2022, IEEE ICPADS 2023. He has been the program committee member of CACML, BIBM, ICCBB, ICONIP, ACL BioNLP Workshop, etc. He has served as the peer reviewer for multiple conferences (e.g. ACL, BIGCOM, ICONIP, BIBM, ICHI, DMBD, ISMSI, etc.) and journals (e.g. BIB, Bioinformatics, PlosCB, JAMIA, Database, JBI, CSBJ, IEEE TCBB, CAIS, TCSS, ASOC, FGCS, NCAA, etc.).

Before the Ph.D. study, Shankai obtained his BEng and MEng degrees in School of Software Engineering at South China University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Zhang Pingjian. He has also studied at King’s College London as a visiting student in Dr. Kathleen Steinhöfel’s Lab, cooperating with Dr. Mariam Molokhia and Dr. Paul Bates at Francis Crick Institute.

PhD/Master Student Recruitment for Computational Healthcare and Bioinformatics